Could This Healthcare SaaS Stock Be the Next Veeva Systems?

It's no longer a secret that the software-as-a-service (SaaS) business model has huge advantages. It costs next to nothing to give a new customer access; upgrades are the norm; and wide moats form via both high switching costs and network effects. 

It's no wonder, then, that Veeva Systems (NYSE: VEEV) -- a SaaS company that caters primarily to large pharmaceutical players -- has seen its stock return more than 1,100% in the past five years. Could there be other healthcare SaaS stocks capable of returning such figures? 

Today, we'll examine Health Catalyst (NASDAQ: HCAT), a SaaS company that aims to partner with hospitals and other healthcare organizations to improve outcomes. As you'll see below, while Health Catalyst has a lot going for it, Veeva might not be the best comparison. Here's why.

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