Could Tilray Stock Help You Become a Millionaire?

It might be hard to imagine Canadian marijuana company Tilray Brands (NASDAQ: TLRY), with its under-$3 per share stock price, making anyone comfortably rich. Yet the history of publicly traded companies is filled with sleeper titles that rocketed dramatically higher in price.

Might Tilray be one of those sleepers? The company has historically operated in one of the most challenging sectors, but is undergoing somewhat of a pivot. Perhaps this new look will spur Tilray's shares higher, helping to vault its investors into the millionaire ranks. Let's see.

For those not at all, or glancingly, familiar with Tilray, here's a brief digest. The Canadian company's stock landed on the U.S. side of the border with a listing in 2018; not coincidentally, that's the year its native government kicked off the inaugural phase of marijuana legalization. Meanwhile, in the U.S., states like Washington, Massachusetts, and California also pulled the trigger on recreational consumption and sale.

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