Could Twilio Inc. Be a Millionaire-Maker Stock?

Sometimes all it takes is a good sell-off to show you who your friends are. Twilio Inc. (NYSE: TWLO) took a hit last week after reports of a new (NASDAQ: AMZN) AWS feature was misread as a threat to its business. The dip proved temporary, as several analysts rushed to Twilio's defense, often clarifying that Amazon Pinpoint's new AWS two-way text messaging is actually powered by Twilio. 

Amazon and Twilio are longtime partners, and the world's leading online retailer even acquired a small stake in Twilio just ahead of its IPO. The stock would bounce back, making up not just the ground it lost during last week's decline but also continuing to move higher. Twilio stock is trading at levels on Wednesday that investors haven't seen since mid-August. It's a quiet recovery, but a recovery nonetheless. 

Image source: Twilio Inc.

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