Dan Loeb Goes Bargain Hunting: 3 Stocks He Just Bought

The active management industry has been shrinking while the passive investing craze has continued to take share. But notable active managers are still worth following; in fact, in a world where so many are going passive, one could make the argument the remaining notable active managers may have more importance as they buy and sell popular stocks.

Meanwhile, one of the best ways to follow these notable money managers is through their 13F filings, which show each manager's buys and sells over the most recent quarter. As they come out 45 days or so after the end of the quarter, the most recent disclosure period is for Q1.

Still, these can help glean what the best active managers are thinking. One notable manager, billionaire Dan Loeb of the hedge fund Third Point LLC, continued to buy into the artificial intelligence story in the beginning of the year -- but perhaps not in the way you'd expect -- with these three buys.

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Source Fool.com