Despite Doubling, These Cannabis Stocks Are Bad News

If you think the stock market has had a wild go of things lately, take a gander at marijuana stocks over the past three years.

Until the end of the first quarter of 2019, pot stocks were virtually unstoppable. Promises of increased capacity, partnerships, and high-margin derivatives fueled upside, with Wall Street seemingly blind to the potential for growing competition. It was not uncommon for cannabis stocks to have delivered triple-digit or quadruple-digit gains to their shareholders.

Then reality sunk in during April 2019. Over the next 12 months, ended March 31, 2020, the vast majority of cannabis stocks declined by anywhere from 50% to 90%. Supply issues in select Canadian provinces, high tax rates on legal product in the U.S., financing concerns throughout North America, and even the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, ravaged the industry.

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