Despite Rare Profit, SpaceX Still Mostly Loses Money

How much money does SpaceX make? Although Elon Musk's space company is currently private, and not easy for investors to invest in, this is still not an idle question. For one thing, there are potential ways to directly invest in SpaceX -- in the private stock market, for example. And if one assumes that where there's a will, there's a way, and that some investors will find a way to invest in SpaceX, it makes sense they know what they are investing in, financially speaking, beforehand. It can be difficult, but let's dive in.

Image source: Getty Images.

Take revenue, for example. Last week I pointed out how some of the folks who are most knowledgeable about SpaceX estimated that the company would do only about $2.3 billion in launch revenue this year. Around about the same time, however, The Wall Street Journal got hold of another cache of SpaceX internal documents that seemed to show the company generating much more revenue.  

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