Did Amazon Just Drop a Big Hint About Its Healthcare Strategy?

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) is a behemoth in e-commerce, but the company also needs new ways to grow its operations. And in recent years, healthcare is one area that it is focusing on. The U.S. healthcare market is worth more than $4 trillion and is a relatively untapped opportunity for Amazon.

The big question mark is how the tech titan's strategy will play out and how big of a player it wants to be. Recently, however, the company may have offered a subtle hint about what it's planning.

The challenge with developing a healthcare business is building trust with consumers. That's not an easy thing to do when a company tries to go at it by itself. For example, Amazon launched its own telehealth service, Amazon Care, but ultimately pulled the plug on that late last year. With a slew of competitors out there, people have many options to choose from, and it likely would have taken a long time for the company to grow that into a formidable business.

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