Did Apple Just Change the Game?

Has the metaverse finally arrived? Wait, are we still using that term? 

With a spectacular list of failures over the years, it's logical to have a heavy dose of skepticism for augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR) products. From Google Glass to Magic Leap to Meta's Oculus division, tens of billions of dollars have gone into building computing goggles, with minimal returns to show for it. After Facebook changed its name to (NASDAQ: META) in 2021 and said it was investing at least $10 billion a year into building AR and VR products, industry hype went into overdrive and the term "metaverse" became a household name.

But as we sit here in 2023, barely anyone uses Meta Oculus devices, Microsoft and Alphabet have paired back their research in these fields, and the term metaverse rarely gets brought up by public company executives.

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Source Fool.com