DigitalOcean Stock Is Down in the Dumps Again, but Could a Rebound Be Coming?

Small- and midsized business cloud computing infrastructure provider DigitalOcean (NYSE: DOCN) has been on one wild ride this year. Shares rallied the first half of the year, but investors started selling en masse again and erased all of those gains in recent months. The stock is currently near all-time lows, though there was a bit of a relief rally following the third-quarter 2023 financial update and an upgrade from some Wall Street analysts.

However, a number of important questions now need answering. If those answers are sufficient to assuage investor concerns, could a big DigitalOcean rebound be on the way?

First, those Q3 2023 numbers: Revenue was $177 million, up 16% year over year and a few million dollars better than the outlook management provided three months ago.

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