Disney+ Has a Secret Weapon in India

For many companies, India is the holy grail when it comes to business potential, falling just behind China as one of the world's most populous countries. With more than 1.3 billion people, it also represents one of the largest untapped markets, and businesses are scrambling to tap into this large and growing opportunity.

Disney (NYSE: DIS) has only just entered the streaming wars with the debut of Disney+ in November, but it recently showed its hand. During its first-quarter conference call, CEO Bob Iger said the House of Mouse will be launching its streaming service in India much earlier than initially expected. While it was previously scheduled for the second half of the year, Disney+ will now debut in India on March 29.

Even as competitors work to gain momentum in India, Disney has a secret weapon its rivals simply can't match that will give Disney+ a massive advantage in the market.

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Source Fool.com