Disney or Macy's: Which Is Closer to Restarting Dividend Payments?

At the onset of the pandemic, both Disney (NYSE: DIS) and Macy's (NYSE: M) were forced to close their doors to customers. Disney had to close its theme parks, Macy's has to shut its stores are rely on online sales. There was plenty of uncertainty to go around for both companies. No one knew exactly how long the pandemic would last and if or when these businesses would be allowed to open their doors to guests again.

As a result, Disney and Macy's both took the drastic, but reasonable, step of putting their dividend payments on pause. For most companies, that was the lowest-hanging fruit available to conserve cash while waiting out the effects of the pandemic. It's been over 15 months since the initial lockdowns across the U.S. Since the last couple of months, states have been easing business restrictions, and neither Macy's nor Disney is on survival mode. So let's consider which company is closer to restarting its dividend payments. 

Image source: Getty Images.

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