Do I Need Medicare If I'm Still Working?

Older Americans benefit from a couple of key programs that provide essential services. Many people focus most on Social Security, which pays out monthly checks that you can use to cover your living expenses. However, Medicare might well be the more important of the two, as it covers a big chunk of the rising medical expenses that many folks end up having to pay as they get older.

Most people sign up for Medicare when they turn 65. Indeed, if you're already receiving Social Security  benefits, the Social Security Administration will automatically enroll you for Medicare Parts A and B at your 65th birthday.

However, if you're still working -- or if you have qualifying health coverage from your spouse's job -- then you might not actually need Medicare right at 65. Let's take a closer look at the rules that cover Medicare in these situations to make sure that you don't run afoul of any requirements or incur unnecessary penalties on your Medicare premiums.

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