Do Married Couples Pay More Taxes?

Getting married comes with its share of benefits -- namely, someone else with whom to split both the bills and the chores. But when it comes to taxes, getting married isn't always a plus. That's because the IRS will tax married couples at a higher rate if their incomes fall within a certain threshold. Now in some cases, filing jointly will improve your tax situation, but if you and your spouse are relatively high earners, that could end up working against you.

To see how filing a joint tax return with a spouse will impact what you owe the IRS, you need to understand how the tax system works. The U.S. operates under what's known as a progressive tax system, which means that the more money you earn, the more taxes you'll pay on your income. Keep in mind, however, that only your highest dollars of earnings will be taxed at the highest marginal rate you fall into.


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