Does Medicare Cover Vision Services?

Countless seniors rely on Medicare for their health-related needs in retirement. Unfortunately, the scope of Medicare's coverage is somewhat limited -- a shortcoming that tends to catch countless retirees off guard. In fact, one major service that Medicare typically doesn't cover is routine vision care. Though Medicare will pay for certain eye care services, like cataract surgery, it won't cover the cost of eyeglasses or contact lenses. You'll therefore need to prepare to absorb certain vision-related expenses yourself if you're planning to stick with traditional Medicare -- either that or get yourself a Medicare Advantage plan.

As we age, we're more likely to experience a host of vision-related issues. And, unfortunately, in many cases, Medicare won't cover those issues. For example, if you're having trouble seeing out of your current pair of glasses, Medicare won't pay for you to have your eyes checked, nor will it pay for a replacement pair.


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