Does Social Security Income Go on My 2019 Tax Return?

Tax season is right around the corner, and some taxpayers are already working hard in anticipation of getting their refund from the IRS as soon as possible. Getting money back can be especially important for retirees, particularly those who largely rely on the fixed income that Social Security benefits provide.

What inevitably comes as a surprise to many of those who receive Social Security is that in some cases, they'll have to include a portion of their benefits as taxable income. As you get ready to prepare your 2019 tax return, you'll need to understand the rules governing Social Security benefits and taxes to make sure you do the right thing at tax time.

To be clear, many Social Security recipients don't pay any tax at all on their benefits. The federal government looks at how much money you receive, both from Social Security and from other sources, and calculates what portion (if any) of your benefits need to go onto your tax return.

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