Don't Be Fooled By These 5 Money Scams

While you're working hard at your job every day, there are other people working equally hard to separate you from your cash. No, I'm not talking about advertisers hoping to sell you on the next big thing. I'm talking about scammers who employ all types of tricky schemes to convince you to send your money to them. Here are five of the most common scams you need to watch out for.

Millions of people are expecting tax refunds this year and scammers are hoping to claim as many of them as they can. There are a few different ways they can go about this. The most common way is to file a false tax return on your behalf. They usually load it with deductions and credits you don't actually qualify for to increase the tax return and have the money mailed to them. You won't even realize what has happened until you go to file your own legitimate tax return and cannot submit it.

Image source: Getty Images.

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