Don't Expect Boosted Unemployment Benefits Anytime Soon

Millions of Americans have been left jobless in the wake of COVID-19. In late March, the CARES Act was put into effect and allowed for a $600 weekly boost to unemployment benefits through the end of July. But now that that extra money is gone, a lot of people have been left struggling to keep up with their basic expenses.

Lawmakers have been duking it out on a second COVID-19 relief package, and one aspect they can't seem to agree on is unemployment. Once it became clear that a second deal was not about to be signed into law, President Trump signed an executive order calling for a $400 weekly boost to unemployment. That boost will, in practice, only amount to $300 in most states, since only $300 of it comes from the federal government, and most states don't have room in their budgets to cover the remaining $100.

Image source: Getty Images.

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