Don't Offer Paid Sick Leave? Here's Why You Should.

If the coronavirus outbreak is teaching us one thing, it's that social distancing is perhaps the most effective tool in limiting the spread of germs. That holds true not just in terms of novel viruses like COVID-19, but in terms of everyday cold and flu viruses. Yet a shocking number of Americans don't get paid sick leave through work and, as such, risk not only harming their own health during this latest crisis but putting others in jeopardy as well.

An estimated 32 million workers are not entitled to paid sick days, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Among lower earners, 70% are without sick time. That makes for a very dangerous situation in scenarios like the one we're currently in.

In the past number of weeks, a large number of employers have instituted work-from-home policies in an effort to limit or reduce the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission. At the same time, public health officials have been urging Americans to stay home and/or seek medical care if they're feeling sick -- particularly those displaying COVID-19 symptoms like cough, fever, and shortness of breath.

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