Dow Jones Bear Market: 3 Powerhouse Stocks That Haven't Been This Cheap in Years

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has been up and down over the past few days, falling into bear territory before regaining much of its lost value. It's an escalation of the volatility that has plagued the markets for the past year as governments launch policies and programs to stem inflation. Many investors are hurting. If you have the ability to wait out challenging market conditions and some money available to invest after paying off debts, you can find deals not seen in years on powerhouse stocks that dominate their industries. Home Depot (NYSE: HD), Nike (NYSE: NKE), and Visa (NYSE: V) are top Dow stocks that are unbelievably cheap right now.

Many companies are struggling. Companies that demonstrated robust growth amid the pandemic are having trouble keeping up the pace, and on top of that, they now have too much inventory and an enlarged infrastructure they no longer need. 

Not Home Depot. This powerhouse company continues to grow comparable sales (comps) and post profits despite tough year-over-year comps, inflation, and a drooping housing market. 

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