Earn $1,000 of Monthly Retirement Dividends in 6 Easy Steps

In today's low interest rate environment,  many investors are looking to stock dividends to provide income from their portfolios instead of more traditional sources like bonds or CDs. As tempting as that may seem on the surface, it does bring with it some risks and trade-offs. For one, dividends are never guaranteed payments. When a company gets in trouble, it can cut its dividend to protect its finances. For another, stocks tend to be more volatile than bonds, so stock-heavy portfolios tend to swing more.

That said, if you're looking to earn dividend income from your portfolio, you can take action to improve your chances of getting that income more reliably. While there are still no guarantees when it comes to dividends, you can get to the point where you can earn $1,000 of monthly retirement dividends in six easy steps. Then, with careful management of your portfolio, you can give yourself a decent chance of sustaining that income over time.

Image source: Getty Images.

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Source Fool.com