Earned Income Tax Credit: How to Claim the EITC in 2021

The only thing better than reducing your tax bill is getting money back from the IRS. If there's one provision of the tax laws that offers the best chance for the most people to get a refund check from the federal government, it's the earned income tax credit.

The EITC -- sometimes referred to as the earned income credit or EIC -- is one of the most generous tax credits available. It's geared toward working people with low to moderate incomes, and for some families, it can offer as much as $6,728 in cold hard cash.

Yet even though roughly 30 million people are likely eligible to get at least some money from the EITC, the IRS estimates that about 6 million taxpayers leave the credit unclaimed each year. You shouldn't be one of them. Below, we'll go into the details of the earned income tax credit and what you need to know to claim it in 2021.

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Source Fool.com