El Salvador Ranks As The Second Highest Country With Interest In Bitcoin

America ranks top across the globe, with a total score of 54 out of a 100. El Salvador is the country with the highest interest in Bitcoin in Latin America and places second globally. Nigeria has the highest interest in Bitcoin on the African continent, scoring 25 out of a 100.

The Most Bitcoin-Obsessed Countries

El Salvador ranks as the second most Bitcoin-obsessed county in the world, according to a new study analyzing Bitcoin keyword searches, Bitcoin ATMs per country and crypto ownership percentages per country.

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Cryptocurrency betting experts cryptobetting.org combined Google trends searches across the globe to see the highest number of countries searching for Bitcoin, alongside this we obtain data on how many Bitcoin ATMs there are in each country, divided by a population of 100 thousand.

Lastly we obtain data on Crypto ownership per country. We used all these different metrics to build a 10 point scale and gave each country a rating out of a 100.

El Salvador - 46.19/100

El Salvador is a unique and prominent player in the world of Bitcoin. The country ranks second globally on our scale of countries with the highest interest in Bitcoin, making it a standout destination for digital currency enthusiasts.

What sets El Salvador apart is that it is one of only two countries in the world where Bitcoin is considered legal tender. This distinction could explain the high level of interest in the country, as evidenced by the highest global Google searches for Bitcoin originating from El Salvador.

The country is also the leader in Bitcoin popularity in Latin America, with 212 Bitcoin ATMs available for use. The combination of being a legal tender and the large number of ATMs makes El Salvador a hub for Bitcoin activity and a prime example of the growing acceptance of digital currencies as a legitimate financial instrument.

Where Do The Other Countries Place On The List?

America places first on the list and is the country with the highest interest in Bitcoin, rounding out the top five is the Vietnam, Canada, and Nigeria. The United Kingdom places 20th on the list.

Commenting on the findings, a spokesperson for cryptobetting.org said: “Bitcoin is by far the most popular cryptocurrency across the world, this piece places different metrics together to show where in the globe bitcoin there is the highest interest in Bitcoin. While it was expected that the United States would place first.

It’s interesting to see that El Salvador places second. This can be explained by the fact that Bitcoin is legal tender. This list shows diversity, with countries from different continents placing on the list showing Bitcoin’s interest is global.”


The study was conducted by cryptobetting.org, which specialises in reviewing cryptocurrency betting websites.

Country Crypto Trends No. ATMs No. ATMs / 100k Ownership (%) Crypto Trends No. ATMs / capita Ownership (%) Score / 100 Ranking United States 14 33676 10.26 0.1322 1.4 10 5.08 54.95 1 El Salvador 100 212 3.285 0.017 10 3.2 0.65 46.19 2 Vietnam 7 8 0.008 0.26 0.7 0.01 10 35.69 3 Canada 21 2645 7.15 0.041 2.1 6.97 1.58 35.49 4 Nigeria 54 2 0.001 0.057 5.4 0 2.19 25.31 5 Switzerland 32 156 1.819 0.02 3.2 1.77 0.77 19.14 6 Philippines 6 13 0.012 0.13 0.6 0.01 5 18.71 7 India 7 2 0 0.115 0.7 0 4.42 17.08 8 Venezuela 11 1 0.004 0.103 1.1 0 3.96 16.88 9 Austria 30 127 1.431 0.013 3 1.39 0.5 16.31 10 Slovenia 33 21 1.006 0.011 3.3 0.98 0.42 15.68 11 Netherlands 35 19 0.11 0.027 3.5 0.11 1.04 15.48 12 Turkey 25 15 0.018 0.055 2.5 0.02 2.12 15.44 13 Brazil 13 25 0.012 0.083 1.3 0.01 3.19 15.01 14 Ukraine 3 33 0.074 0.103 0.3 0.07 3.96 14.45 15 Thailand 7 3 0.004 0.093 0.7 0 3.58 14.27 16 Germany 24 114 0.137 0.042 2.4 0.13 1.62 13.83 17 Australia 19 251 0.974 0.027 1.9 0.95 1.04 12.96 18 Hong Kong 11 146 1.945 0.023 1.1 1.9 0.88 12.93 19 United Kingdom 15 29 0.043 0.055 1.5 0.04 2.12 12.19 20

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