Ethereum May Very Well Leave Bitcoin Eating Its Dust Over the Long Run

Since the year began, there's been no hotter investment than cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin and Ethereum, which are the one-two punch in terms of largest market cap among digital currencies, have returned about 300% and 3,200%, respectively, just since the year began. By comparison, it's taken the S&P 500 decades to return what Ethereum has for its investors in just under nine months.

Emotions have obviously played a critical role in pushing digital currency prices higher. Since financial institutions have either avoided cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum, or are barred by management from trading them, it's left the price movement to the hands of retail investors. John and Jane Q. Investor are substantially more prone to having emotions sway their investment decisions than large investment institutions. Lately, the "don't miss the boat" mentality could very well be driving prices higher.

Image source: Getty Images.

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