Etsy Stock Actually Gained 64% in the Second Half of 2022. Is the Worst Over?

Etsy (NASDAQ: ETSY) stock gained 64% in the second half of 2022, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. The company has successfully navigated inflation with a fee hike, and investors are back to recognizing its long-term potential.

Etsy was a niche marketplace for handmade goods before the pandemic. Correction: It's still a niche marketplace for handmade goods, but it has seen this niche go mainstream as customers discovered its unique and exclusive products with the explosion of e-commerce.

Etsy itself exploded with surging demand for handmade masks, and customers introduced to the platform when looking for pandemic-related paraphernalia are sticking around for more. The company has struggled with year-over-year comparisons in the face of such enormous growth, and it's now working to keep demand strong. Its recent performance could only be called mixed.

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