Everyone Knows Meta Platforms Makes Money From Facebook and Instagram. But 1 Wall Street Research Firm Says 17% of the Company's Value Comes From Something Surprising.

Social media empire Meta Platforms (NASDAQ: META) is valued at nearly $1.2 trillion. And according to a report from investment research firm Needham, about 17% of this value -- or $203 billion -- should be attributed to a part of the business that might surprise you.

Of course, with platforms as big as Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp, Meta Platforms' investors can be forgiven for overlooking something somewhere. But it's surprising that Needham believes there's so much value in a part of the business that gets such little attention.

To be clear, Meta Platforms' platforms are truly massive. The company doesn't break down its users per platform anymore. But across its social platforms -- what management calls its "Family of Apps" -- it has 3.24 billion daily active people as of the first quarter of 2024. That's roughly 40% of the planet's population.

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Source Fool.com