Exact Sciences Stock Just Hit an All-Time High: Here's Why It Could Go Even Higher

In May, Andrew Left of Citron Research blasted Exact Sciences (NASDAQ: EXAS), calling the stock "a poster child for what goes wrong when Wall Street gets a hold of a healthcare concept with no discrimination for whether it's good or bad medicine." Citron Research assigned a short-term price target for Exact Sciences of $20 per share, nearly 40% below where the stock traded at the time.

Five months later, Exact Sciences stock is up 50%. So far in 2017, the market cap for the company has soared more than 260%. Left wasn't right at all -- at least not over the short term. Exact Sciences continues to prove him wrong, recently hitting an all-time high yet again. Can the stock go even higher? Probably so. 

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Source: Fool.com