Facebook Hardware Chief to Step Down

It was a pretty big score when Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) poached Regina Dugan from Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) subsidiary Google in early 2016. Dugan led the search giant's Advanced Technologies and Projects (ATAP) group, which works on experimental new hardware ideas that have the potential to one day become moonshots. For example, Google's Project Tango, which added 3D environmental sensing capabilities to mobile devices, came out of ATAP, as did the Project Ara modular phones.

The social network scored Dugan to lead its Building 8 team, which similarly works on experimental hardware projects; Facebook has begun dabbling in hardware development in recent years. Another prominent hire for Building 8 was Rich Heley, whom Facebook poached from Tesla just a couple months after hiring Dugan. A year and a half later, Dugan has announced that she is stepping down.

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Source: Fool.com