Facebook Shouldn't Make Video Chatting Hardware

Maybe this is actually the device we heard about last week. Speculation had emerged that Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) was preparing to launch a smart speaker, joining a growing list of tech giants looking to meet consumer demand. The most peculiar aspect of the report was that it was rumored to have a massive 15-inch touchscreen, which sounds downright comical for a speaker.

Bloomberg is reporting today that Facebook is working on a video chatting device, which would be the first product to emerge from its Building 8 hardware department. The device may feature a large 13-inch to 15-inch "laptop-sized touchscreen." To be clear, Bloomberg's sources say that the social network is indeed working on a smart speaker, but it appears that the report last week from DIGITIMES, which has a mixed track record, could have been the result of crossed wires (I trust Bloomberg over DIGITIMES any day of the week).

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Source: Fool.com