Facebook's Instagram Continues to March Towards 1 Billion Users

Five months after reaching 700 million monthly active users (MAUs), Facebook's (NASDAQ: FB) Instagram service has achieved a new milestone: 800 million MAUs. Of those, 500 million are daily active users (DAUs). Instagram made the announcements alongside a few product improvements like comment controls and anonymous reporting for live video.

The popular photo and video sharing service continues to march toward 1 billion MAUs, which would be Facebook's fourth platform of such size. Beyond Facebook's core social network, the other two platforms that have exceeded 1 billion MAUs are messaging platforms (Messenger and WhatsApp), which are difficult to monetize in unobtrusive ways. Facebook is still trying to figure out the best way to build those businesses, but its core competencies in advertising -- a few recent gaffes notwithstanding -- translate very well to Instagram.

Data source: Instagram. Chart by author.

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