Fisker Stock: Buy, Sell, or Hold?

Even though share prices have been cut in half since peaking in late 2021, they're still up 1,000% over the past decade. That's pretty incredible and the type of performance that every investor likely would be happy with from stocks they own.

It's also why so many investors are pouring over the electric-vehicle (EV) space trying to find the next tiny upstart that's destined to become an industry giant. EV-maker Fisker (NYSE: FSR) might be worth adding to such a list. Some may already have taken the plunge and bought the stock and are deciding if they should buy more or hold what they have. Others are becoming hesitant and considering a sale. Here are the arguments for investors who are considering selling, holding and/or buying this stock.

One reason you might want to sell Fisker stock is to capture the capital losses you've suffered to help offset gains elsewhere in your portfolio. This is often called tax-loss harvesting, and the nearly 99% decline the stock has seen since its peak in 2021 makes it an excellent candidate for this portfolio-level decision. Fisker stock has lost almost all of its value in a relatively short period.

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