Fixing Disney World's Popularity Problem Won't Make Everybody Happy

There's a paradox burning in the hearts of the loudest critics of Walt Disney's (NYSE: DIS) sprawling theme-park complex in Florida. The two most common complaints about Disney World these days are that the resort's gated attractions are too crowded and too expensive.

It defies the basic framework of mutual exclusivity. If Disney's Florida parks are crowded to the point where they're turning people away with its controversial park-reservation system, is it charging too much?

It's a layered situation with some hard truths that Disney World's biggest fans -- its annual passholders -- have yet to realize. It doesn't have to end badly, and Disney's about to pull some levers that will increase supply at a time when it can't keep up with the current demand. Shareholders stand to cash in either way, but we're getting ahead of ourselves. 

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