Ford Stock Is on Sale Right Now -- I'm Getting Ready to Buy

Incorporated in 1903, Ford (NYSE: F) is sometimes viewed as a legacy business -- the type of company your great-grandfather might have invested in. Fast-forward to the 2020s, and it's challenging to convince younger traders of Ford's value proposition during a time of vehicle electrification, persistently high inflation, and shortages of supplies and workers.

And it's increasingly difficult to convert jittery investors into Ford fans after a severe share-price slide. The bulls and bears both have financial and operational data points to cherry-pick, and frankly, Ford just isn't as "sexy" as unabashed disruptors like Tesla and Lucid.

Yet, Ford shouldn't be dismissed as a dinosaur as the company is actually making significant inroads in its pivot to clean-energy vehicles. Besides, stock-price drawdowns can lead to prime value-buying opportunities -- and there's a terrific value in this surprisingly modern American automotive icon right now.

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