Forget eBay, Shopify Is a Better Growth Stock

E-commerce giant eBay (NASDAQ: EBAY) has been a solid investment for the past decade, consistently beating the broader markets. eBay shares have returned 261% since April 2010, compared to the S&P 500 returns of 133% in the same period (see chart below).

Even amid the current uncertainty surrounding equity markets brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, eBay has managed to hold its own. The stock dipped along with the rest of the market in March but is currently trading flat year-to-date compared to the double-digit declines for the S&P 500.

While eBay should continue to benefit from the growth in online sales, there is another high-growth e-commerce stock that seems well poised to not only beat the broader markets but crush them in the upcoming decade. Few companies are better positioned than Shopify (NYSE: SHOP) to capitalize on the e-commerce opportunity in North America and international markets. And it's this potential that makes it the better growth stock between the two at the moment.

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