Forget the S&P 500 -- Buy This Magnificent ETF Instead

Buying an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that tracks the S&P 500 index is a terrific method of generating long-term wealth. Statistics show that around 90% of actively managed funds failed to beat the index over the last 15 years. Simply buying the index allows you to catapult your performance into the top 10% of the industry.

But there's one ETF that could improve your portfolio's performance even more.

For long-term performance, few ETFs can match the power of those that track the S&P 500. But there are market cycles in which certain ETFs can outperform that index. These cycles can last for years. Where the S&P 500 struggles most is during bear markets. The index is always fully invested in the stock market. So when stock markets tank, there's nowhere for the index to hide.

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