Get Rich the Easy Way: Add $500 to These Game-Changing Stocks Right Now

For more than three months, investors have had their resolve tested like never before. This isn't to say that we haven't seen stock market corrections or recessions in the U.S. economy before, so much as to point out how abruptly the rug was pulled out from beneath investors. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic ultimately took just 33 calendar days to wipe out 34% of the value for the broad-based S&P 500.

The great news for investors is that panic usually breeds opportunity, as long as you're willing to take a long-term approach. Though you might see get-rich-quick offers as advertisements while researching stocks or surfing the internet, the easiest way to get rich (and with the least amount of hassle) is to buy game-changing businesses and hang onto these stocks for long periods of time. It's truly amazing what time can do for a patient investor.

Best of all, you don't need a mountain of capital to get started investing in the stock market. If you have $500 in disposable cash -- i.e., money you won't need to pay bills or for emergencies -- you have more than enough to put to work in these game-changing stocks.

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