Get a New Career: A Step-by-Step Guide

One of my first adult mentors in college worked as an adjunct for a single college journalism class while also serving as advisor to the campus weekly newspaper. Her day job was in public relations, a field she no longer wanted to pursue, but one that paid the bills.

For many people, that would be that. An unpleasant day job offset by a secondary gig they enjoyed would be their lot in life. My part-time professor friend, however, did not see it that way. She could not just quit her job and go after full-time teaching work, but she could make a plan that would eventually get her where she wanted to go.

It took a few years, but she did eventually get hired full-time in the journalism department, around the time I had fully entered the work force myself. She wasn't intentionally teaching me a lesson, but her experience did teach me that my current career need not be my future one.

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