Getting Your Spouse on Board With Your New Investing Obsession

Financial conflict is a serious issue in a marriage and a leading cause of divorce in the United States. If you've just caught the investing bug and you happen to be married, it's important to keep this fact in mind. Ideally, you want to find happiness with your spouse instead of counting your money somewhere alone. Getting your spouse on board with your new investing obsession doesn't have to be hard; here are some tips on how to you can help him or her see the light.

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Emphasizing the benefits will probably be simple, since they're what got you so enthused about investing in the first place. However, you should consider what benefits might actually compel your spouse. Is he or she data driven? You could show your spouse mutual fund prospectuses or historical stock data that show potential returns. Is your spouse risk averse? Emphasize the existence of many blue-chip companies with steady dividends and annual growth, or explain the importance of diversification in investing. 

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