Google CEO Sundar Pichai Predicts That This Profession Will Be Most Revolutionized By AI

Companies across industries are using artificial Intelligence (AI). And that has people thinking about what AI means for the future of many professions. (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL), the parent company of Google, is no stranger to AI. The company uses AI throughout its business -- from optimizing its search capabilities to better serving its advertising customers.

Recently, Alphabet chief executive officer Sundar Pichai spoke about how AI is set to revolutionize the working world. He even said one industry in particular might be transformed by the technology. And, surprisingly, Pichai says this may not result in layoffs -- but instead, more jobs.

Pichai told The Verge in an interview that AI may make the law profession better in certain ways and may result in more people actually becoming lawyers. Law firms today already use AI to help draft documents, verify contracts, and complete other tasks. The idea is AI won't take away lawyers' jobs. Instead, it will help them and their staff do certain things more quickly -- and give them more time to focus on more complicated parts of the job.

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