Google Invested in This Hot New Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock. Should You?

What's a tell-tale sign that a small artificial intelligence (AI) company has tremendous potential? When the small AI company attracts interest -- and money -- from a big AI company.

There aren't many AI companies on the planet that are bigger than Google parent (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL). Few have AI track records as impressive as Alphabet's. Its Google Brain (now part of Google DeepMind) invented AI transformer architecture -- the "T" in ChatGPT. Google DeepMind developed Go-playing phenomenon AlphaGo and AlphaFold, an AI system that predicts the structures of proteins.

The Google team no doubt recognizes innovative new AI technologies when it sees them. And Google is backing a hot new AI company that conducted its initial public offering (IPO) last week.

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