Google's Last-Minute Effort to Salvage Its Stadia Launch Games

Alphabet's (NASDAQ: GOOGL) (NASDAQ: GOOG) cloud gaming platform Stadia is here. Its Nov. 19 arrival is supposed to mark a major moment in the history of gaming.

Though other cloud gaming subscription services have come before, and several are in operation right now, Google's take on cloud gaming isn't just a subscription service -- it's a whole platform. Google's Stadia has its own hardware, and Google will offer more than just one subscription service -- customers will also be able to buy and rent games. It's an interesting business model, even if some have doubts.

Stadia enters a video game market that's changing quickly as cloud gaming grows. Video game stalwarts like Sony (NYSE: SNE) are clearly repositioning in an effort to combat -- and profit off of -- the shift away from hard copies and individual sales and toward streaming and the "games as a service" model.

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