Got $1,000? Here Are Summer's Hottest Stocks to Buy

Regardless of whether you're a longtime investor or someone who recently began putting their money to work in the stock market, there's nothing that could have prepared you for what 2020 has offered up. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has completely upended societal norms and pushed the U.S. unemployment rate to levels not seen in nearly nine decades.

But at the same time, periods of extreme fear and panic-selling have always represented a unique opportunity for long-term investors to buy into high-quality companies at a discount. After all, every single stock market correction in history (excluding the COVID-19 bear market) has been erased by a bull market rally. Eventually, the same fate awaits the coronavirus crash.

In short, it means that investors who have cash to put to work right now are setting themselves up for success down the line. Best of all, you don't need to be loaded to make money in the stock market. If you have the ability to invest $1,000, you have more than enough capital to compound your wealth over the long run.

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