Got $1,000 to Invest in Stocks? Put It in This ETF.

There are many misconceptions about the stock market and investing. One of those is how complex it has to be. People assume you need a finance background or to spend hours researching companies, and that's not the case. You can do all of that, and it has its benefits, but it's not a requirement for making good money in the stock market.

A simpler approach is to invest in an exchange-traded fund (ETF) -- giving you exposure to many companies at once -- and trust them as a collective. If you already have an emergency fund saved and a plan to tackle any high-interest debt you may owe, there's one fund I'd invest $1,000 into without thinking twice -- and that's the Vanguard Growth ETF (NYSEMKT: VUG).

People typically think of growth stocks as smaller or younger companies because those are seen as having more room to grow. However, that label isn't reserved for companies of a particular size. The Vanguard Growth ETF exemplifies this reality. Its holdings include only large-cap growth stocks (companies with market caps of at least $10 billion).

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