Got $2,500? 2 Top Stocks That You Can Buy and Hold for a Lifetime

There are many myths about investing. Some people think they need a lot of money to get started. Others believe that trading in and out of the market is the best way to make a fortune. Neither is true. You actually don't need much money to begin investing. Less frequent trading is usually a much better way to generate long-term gains.

Of course, it's important to find the right stocks to own. That's not a huge challenge, though. If you've got $2,500 to invest, here are two stocks that you can buy and hold for a lifetime.

Who is the most famous buy-and-hold investor on the planet? Warren Buffett. What's his favorite stock? Excluding his own Berkshire Hathaway, the answer would almost certainly be  (NASDAQ: AAPL). Buffett has invested more heavily in Apple than any other stock, by far.

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