Got $2,500? 2 Top Stocks You Can Buy and Hold for a Lifetime

It takes one click of a button to buy a stock but unwavering conviction and patience to hold that stock for a lifetime. While it's hard to not let your emotions get in the way when the prices of your stocks fluctuate, it becomes a bit easier if you have conviction in the company's opportunities and growth prospects.

Companies with a vision and long-term goals, the financial fortitude to convert their plans into action, and a commitment to enrich shareholders along the way should turn out to be big winners in the long term. If you're looking to invest now, here are two such high-conviction stocks you could buy now and hold forever. There's one common link between the two companies: Both are undergoing a transformation, and it's for the better.

Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) has been a global healthcare leader for several years now, with a solid and ever-growing pipeline of drugs. Yet, the company's sales and cash flows didn't take off despite steady growth in its top line. Johnson & Johnson knew it must do something, and in late 2021, it announced plans to spin off its consumer health business. Although consumer health owns some of Johnson & Johnson's most iconic brands, it's also a cyclical, low-margin business that is often blamed by critics for the company's underperformance.

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