Got $3,000? 2 Simple Stocks to Buy Right Now

Market downturns can be scary, especially when you're new to investing in stocks. But it's important to remember that the Dow Jones Industrial Average has finished the year in positive territory only about two-thirds of the time since 1916. 

Wall Street is worried about the war in Ukraine and shortages across the global supply chain that have propelled a spike in wholesale and consumer goods prices. But the stock market has navigated issues like these many times throughout history, including the Great Depression in the 1930s, and still gone on to deliver wealth-building returns. Over the last 50 years, despite plenty of ups and downs, the broad market S&P 500 index has returned an average of about 10% per year.

That said, there are great opportunities to buy growing companies at cheaper prices right now. Splitting a $3,000 investment between the following easy-to-understand stocks should work out well once the dust settles.

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