Growth Stocks vs. Value Stocks: Which Should You Buy?

For nearly two months, it's been chaos on Wall Street. Uncertainties surrounding the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) wound up pushing equities into the fastest bear market in history. In fact, it took just 33 calendar days for the benchmark S&P 500 to shed 34% of its value. For context, bear markets that lose 30% typically take an average 336 calendar days to accomplish such a feat.

But amid the chaos is opportunity. You see, every single stock market correction and bear market in history has eventually been put into the rearview mirror by a bull-market rally. This means investors who purchase high-quality stocks during corrections tend to come out ahead over the long run.

The real question that needs to be asked is, which approach should investors take: Should they be seeking out growth stocks to buy, or are value stocks the better play? The answer isn't as cut and dried as you might think.

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