Have Investors Been Overlooking Clean Energy Fuels Corp.?

At first blush, it's understandable that investors aren't rushing to buy shares of natural gas for transportation leader Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE). Over the past couple of years, the company's revenue has declined 17% from the peak in 2015, and after reporting a profit early in 2017, Clean Energy returned to a loss last quarter -- and a pretty hefty one at that -- after announcing that it would close 42 of its stations. Factor in all the attention around electric-powered heavy-duty trucks after Tesla's (NASDAQ: TSLA) recent announcement, and Mr. Market seems firmly convinced that natural gas for transportation is a dead end. 

Yet with all the hoopla surrounding electric vehicles (EVs), I'm convinced that investors are missing a big opportunity with Clean Energy Fuels right now. 

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Source: Fool.com