Have a High-Deductible Health Plan at Work? Chances Are, You Get This Benefit, Too

When it comes to health insurance plans, deductibles and premiums tend to have an inverse relationship -- the higher one is, the lower the other tends to be. And many workers choose to get on high-deductible health plans to save money on premium costs. In fact, 40% of employees are enrolled in this type of plan nationwide, according to Bank of America's 2019 Workplace Benefits Report. And while employers aren't obliged to offer a health savings account, or HSA, in conjunction with a high-deductible health plan, 90% of companies with these plans do just that.

If you're on a high-deductible health insurance plan and have the opportunity to participate in an HSA, it pays to capitalize on it. Here are a few reasons why.


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Source Fool.com