Here Are All 16 Stocks Warren Buffett Has Bought Since 2022 Began

When Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) CEO Warren Buffett buys a stock, Wall Street and investors wisely pay close attention. That's because riding the Oracle of Omaha's coattails has been a very profitable strategy for decades.

Since taking the reins as CEO in 1965, Buffett has overseen the creation of more than $645 billion in value for shareholders, as well as delivered an aggregate return on the company's Class A shares (BRK.A) of 3,641,613%. This works out to a 20.1% average annual return over 57 years, and is effectively double the annualized total return of the benchmark S&P 500, including dividends, over the same stretch.

Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett. Image source: The Motley Fool.

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