Here Are All the Tech Stock Acquisitions Thoma Bravo Has Made in 2022

It's often said that time in the market is far more important than timing the market. Real money is made by patiently sitting on quality investments for the long term. However, that doesn't mean it hurts to go shopping when the opportunity to find bargains and position oneself for big investment gains is highest. 

The bear market of 2022 has created plenty of such opportunities for investors with a long-term focus, especially within the world of tech. The U.S. Federal Reserve's record interest rate hikes have humbled the valuations of high-growth software stocks, even though business growth continues. One big institutional investor, Thoma Bravo, has gone shopping this year amid the bloodbath. There are lessons to be learned here.

Thoma Bravo is a private equity investor specializing in software technology. The firm adopts what it calls a "buy and build" strategy, taking a long-term view as it helps its portfolio of companies grow and increase profitability. The companies it invests in tend to be solid but not yet category leaders, or businesses that are otherwise deficient in some area of their financial performance.

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